Azure Stack HCI Show



Azure Stack Edge

Azure Stack Edge acts as a cloud storage gateway and enables eyes-off data transfers to Azure, while retaining local access to files.

Azure Stack Edge

Azure Stack Edge · 在靠近資料的邊緣位置執行應用程式. 直接在建立和收集資料的邊緣,執行容器化應用程式和VM。 · 使用硬體加快AI/ML 分析資料的速度,以快速取得可付諸行動的 ...

Azure Stack Hub

Azure Stack Hub 是Azure Stack 的產品組合之一,可擴充Azure 的涵蓋範圍,讓您在內部部署環境中執行應用程式,並在資料中心內提供Azure 服務。當組織競相加入數位轉型的 ...

Azure Local

Azure Local 可延伸Azure 的計算容量,並可讓您在分散式位置的當地執行現代化與傳統的應用程式和工作負載。

Azure Stack Hub overview

Azure Stack Hub is an extension of Azure that provides a way to run apps in an on-premises environment and deliver Azure services in your datacenter.

Azure Stack Hub ruggedized

Azure Stack Hub ruggedized is a portable, ruggedized appliance providing containerized and non-containerized compute, storage and PaaS cloud services.

Kepler-47 G2 Two-Node Hyper

A DataON Kepler-47 G2 solution is a low cost and small-sized hyper-converged platform. With integrated compute, network and storage infrastructure.

Microsoft Azure Stack HCI

Dell Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub. Fully engineered, on-premises platform for hybrid cloud or edge environments. Explore.

Why do Azure Stack appliances have to be certified?

Microsoft Azure Stack runs on certified applianced. Marius Sandbu explains why this is necessary in order to meet stringent performance, ...


AzureStackEdgeactsasacloudstoragegatewayandenableseyes-offdatatransferstoAzure,whileretaininglocalaccesstofiles.,AzureStackEdge·在靠近資料的邊緣位置執行應用程式.直接在建立和收集資料的邊緣,執行容器化應用程式和VM。·使用硬體加快AI/ML分析資料的速度,以快速取得可付諸行動的 ...,AzureStackHub是AzureStack的產品組合之一,可擴充Azure的涵蓋範圍,讓您在內部部署環境中執行應用程式,並在資料中心內提供Azure...